Myo Munchee Appliances in Silver Spring, MD
Dr. Bassford Can Help Your Child Develop Healthy Habits
Ensuring children develop healthy oral habits at a young age is essential for their growth. At Silver Spring Sleep Solutions, our Silver Spring dentist provides an effective dental and myofunctional therapy tool known as Myo Munchee. As a chewable appliance, it can help your child develop proper speech patterns, dental hygiene, sleep habits, healthy jaw and face bones, and more.
If you’re wondering whether your child could benefit from Myo Munchee, call our Silver Spring practice at 301-593-5500 to schedule an appointment.
What Is a Myo Munchee?
Myo Munchee is a chewable silicone tool that looks similar to a sports mouthguard. It’s a non-toxic, safe oral appliance that provides effective results on the muscles and bones of the face. The device should be worn and actively chewed on for 10 minutes each day. However, most patients will need to work up to that amount of time, and they often start with 5 minutes twice per day.
Myo Munchee appliances come in four different sizes:
- Mini — for young children (age dependent on development)
- Small — for children between the ages of four and eight
- Medium — for patients ages eight and up and most adult women
- Large — for boys 14+ and most adult men
What Does Myo Munchee Help Correct?
Myo Munchee can help children and adults with various problems. At your initial appointment, if Dr. Bassford notices any muscle weakness in the lower third of the face or any other issues with the teeth, gums, face, or function of any of them, she may recommend a Myo Munchee appliance. By actively chewing on your Myo Munchee, you can get the body’s optimal function back on track.
Issues that Myo Munchee can correct include:
- Craniofacial development
- Bone and joint health
- Dental hygiene
- Salivary production
- TMJ stability
- Nasal breathing
- Lip and tongue strengthening
Myo Munchee Use
Myo Munchee appliances are easy to use. Always rinse your Myo Munchee before use. We recommend submerging it in boiling water for 60 seconds for sanitization. Place the appliance in your mouth with the “lips” indent at the top and start chewing. Make sure the lips are closed around the Myo Munchee while chewing so it properly strengthens the muscles and prevents any excess wear. Keep your chewing even on both sides of the mouth to avoid weakening one side of the appliance.
Start with at least 5 minutes of chewing twice a day and work up to once a day for 10 minutes. After use, rinse the device in cold water and dry it thoroughly.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does a Myo Munchee last?
A Myo Munchee oral appliance should last between six and 18 months. However, individuals who are heavy chewers, teeth grinders, or wear the device more often than directed, may experience shorter longevity of the appliance.
Is Myo Munchee helpful for sleep apnea?
For some individuals, Myo Munchee can assist with sleep apnea. The appliance can tone the muscles of the face, lips, and tongue, promoting nasal breathing and holding the jaw in the correct position.
Before using your Myo Munchee for sleep apnea, please consult with your dentist or general practitioner.
Visit Silver Spring Sleep Solutions
At Silver Spring Sleep Solutions, our dentist provides personalized care for every patient. Myo Munchee services can help young children develop healthy habits. To learn more about Myo Munchee, call our office at 301-593-5500. You can also request an appointment through our online contact form.
10301 Georgia Ave, Suite 207
Silver Spring, MD 20902